We are a family

Our foundation treats everyone as one family, including those we help and help in the future. That is why we want to support and safeguard the well-being of all people who require our help. Following our values and main axes, we will help in sectors such as education, home, health and the environment. Do you want to be part of it?


To create a better quality and to be a standard of human development open to new learning techniques for the urban and rural communities in which the foundation has a presence. Promoting the development and social inclusion of the people we serve generating new opportunities. We guarantee access to better programs and projects in our main axes.


Results of your support

What do we do?

The foundation has been working for eight years in the areas of Education, Health, Environment, Social Development, Family Sustainability. With these axes we contribute to a process of progressive change, agile and operational in each of the projects that are carried out.

We cover different areas of social and community development to contribute to our country through the training of children, youth and adults, improving the quality of life of the people who benefit from the projects.

Support our work:

How do we work?

We work in the western area and have subsidiaries in other cities Texistepeque, Nejapa, Nahuizalco, Los Angeles California and with the various projects we offer greater opportunities that allow rural communities to raise their quality of life, at the same time we seek to improve their social development and family economy through professional training workshops in which they learn a trade to become sustainable families.

Our axes









Social Development

Meet our partners